What is Kido-jutsu
kidoLogo Kido-jutsu is translated literally as "Ki guidance technique". It is a technique developed by Japanese Grand Master Masayuki Suzuki to guide the universal vital energy of Ki (also known as qi, chi, or prana) for our self-healing and well-being*.
Many people experience pain, dis-comfort, and dis-ease of the body as well as mental and psychological stress because of out-of-balanced, tense, and de-energized muscles and body. By pouring the power of Ki to energize the body, we can look forward to re-activating the natural power of self-healing and relieving the pain and stress.
And you maybe asking yourself "but will I be able to do this?". And the answer is a definite YES! You do not have to suffer through long and arduous training to gain the skill to guide the vital energy of Ki. Anyone who personally receive the learning can start to use the vital energy of Ki and experience its healing effects from day one! The power of Ki is truly for everyone, and not just for the selected few.
"Ki" Can Help Relieve Pain
backache Whether you are experiencing backache, shoulder pain, neck pain, or knee pain, it is tough to live with any pain. And if you are suffering from chronic pain, then your day-to-day living becomes that much a challenge. If you are a healing professional, then it must be frustrating to not be able to help your clients to relieve their pain. In Kido-jutsu, we believe that many types of pain is caused by out-of-balanced and de-energized muscle. If you have tried massaging it, pushing it, picking at it, and is still not well, then that muscle may be lacking in Ki and causing the pain. By using Kido-jutsu to direct the power of Ki to it, the muscle re-gains its normal functioning, and returns to pain-free and healthy state.
"Ki" Can Help Relieve Stress
headache Modern life creates a lot of stress in our daily lives. Some amount of stress maybe necessary for healthy human growth, but too much of it can cause problems to the body and to the mind. For some, this "painful mind" is much more damaging to self than the "painful body". But what if you could do something about it using Kido-jutsu? By using Kido-jutsu's "Stress Elimination Technique", it may be possible for you to not only relieve your stress, but to help others reduce or eliminate their stress too.
Five Powers of Kido-jutsu
Five powers you will make your own using Kido-jutsu
* Pain: Free yourself from pain, and move your body the way you desire. Learn techniques to relieve pain from your shoulders, back, knees, and other parts of your body.
* Heart: Live life with healthy mind and warm heart. This is for the generation who faces stress daily. Learn techniques to eliminate the stress of trauma, blues, and negative thinking.
* Beauty: Beam with a beautify smile. Attractive image. Vibrant skin. Flexible body. Straight posture. Stylish walk. Learn techniques to beautify the face and the body.
* Illness: Wake up with fresh energy to start your day. Live everyday with ease. Learn techniques to strengthen your immune system to re-gain and maintain health.
* Youth: Enjoy life! Gain the body and mind that you can trust, both for you and your loved ones. Learn techniques to "go to the next level" in healthful living.
*Medical Disclaimer
Kido-jutsu or any organization related to sponsoring Kido-jutsu is not a medical organization and our staff will not give you medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Nothing contained on this website, advertisement, brochures, or taught in seminars and courses should be construed as a medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The information and training provided are strictly for the purpose of personal development and well-being, and should not be interpreted as a substitute for physician consultation, evaluation, or treatment nor as an endorsement of any Third Party Seller's products or services. Both Kido-jutsu and organizing sponsors are not responsible and cannot be held liable for any damage or injury that maybe caused by the improper and/or unintended use of the techniques. For a complete legal disclaimer, please look here.
⇒ ライフマインド (09/07)
⇒ どちら様々 (09/05)
⇒ ライフマインド (08/27)
⇒ koyuki (08/20)
⇒ ライフマインド (10/25)
⇒ 鳥栖のうどん大好き者 (10/24)